Leading Edge to Host 2027 and 2028 Supplemental Tryout on March 7

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The best players in New Jersey play for Leading Edge. Are you one of them?

Leading Edge is excited to hold a supplemental tryout for 2027s and 2028s in the Garden State. We’re looking for players who want to take their game to the next level by competing against the country’s best teams.

Tryout Details

The tryouts will be held Sunday, March 7 from 3-4 p.m. at Pop Warner Field at 101 Sterling Road in Warren. CLICK HERE to register. If you are unable to attend, please let us know ahead of time so we can set up an alternative evaluation with Tim Roy (troylacrosse@hotmail.com).
Leading Edge prides itself on its player development. We’re the club for you if you want to get better. Come play against elite teams, compete and have fun doing it. You ready?